A Safe Place with Luis D. Aponte

Claire Marie, Author of Sammy the Sasquatch: Welcome to Crittertopia

April 09, 2023 Luis Aponte Season 1 Episode 7

Today's special guest is children’s author and former reserve Law Enforcement officer Claire Marie.  Her work spans across school emergency preparedness & management, school safety & prevention systems, non-profits, the private sector, and law enforcement mental health and wellness. She is also the author of Sammy the Sasquatch; Welcome to Crittertopia. 

Sammy the Sasquatch and her friends in Crittertopia gently teaches kids all about doing school lockdowns, locks, lights, out of sight, and how kids can be empowered to keep themselves safe. I learned so much from Claire and how we as a community can help keep kids safe in schools by normalizing and empowering kids to prepared for emergencies in a safe environment.

Pre-order Claire Marie's book now at SammyAndFriends.com/books

Instagram: @WelcomeToCrittertopia
Facebook: Search "Sammy & Friends"
LinkedIn: Llinkedin.com/in/claire-marie-a6241aa4/

Email: Claire@sammyandfriends.com
Phone: (541) 288 - 1203

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